Welcome to the official page of the Tatanka Lodge Executive Committee (LEC)! Here you can find details about the elected Lodge Officers, Chapter Information, and each of the Lodge Committees as well as a brief description of what the LEC is and when the LEC meets.
The Tatanka Lodge Key 3 for 2021 is:
Jacob Reichardt, Lodge Chief
Adam Reichardt, Lodge Adviser
Jaime Limas, Lodge Staff Advisor
To contact a member of the Key 3, please e-mail Jaime Limas or call 432-5-. The Key 3 provides leadership to the LEC and helps guide the lodge leadership, and, in turn, the Lodge, to meets its goals and obligations on a yearly basis. The Lodge Chief is elected by the youth on a yearly basis. The Lodge Adviser is appointed by the Scout Executive on a yearly basis (often times for multiple consecutive years). The Lodge Staff Adviser is the Scouting Professional assigned by the Scout Executive to support the Lodge on a day-to-day basis.
Our Lodge Executive Committee consists of the 7 elected Lodge Officers, 4 Chapters Chiefs, 12 Lodge Committee Chairmen as appointed by the Lodge Chief, working with the Lodge Vice-Chiefs, the immediate past Lodge Chief, as well as their adult advisers, the Council Camping Committee Chairman or his/her representative, and the Scout Executive or his/her designee. These youth comprise the voting members of the LEC; adult advisers are non-voting members of the LEC. The Committee is chaired by the Lodge Chief.
The LEC generally meets the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Midland Scout Service Center (check the Lodge Calendar). Committee Chairs are encouraged to meet with the elected officer to which they report at 3:30 p.m., prior to the beginning of the LEC Meeting at 4:00 p.m. The LEC meeting generally runs for about an hour, depending on the business the LEC deems necessary to conduct. All LEC meetings are open to all members of the Lodge.
Lodge By-Laws
Tatanka Lodge is governed by its own set of By-Laws. These are the rules by which the Lodge operates to ensure everything it does is in accordance with the BSA, the National Order of the Arrow Committee and the Buffalo Trail Council. They are amendable by direction of the LEC and the voting Lodge members. This most current version of the By-Laws was approved by the voting members of Tatanka Lodge on September 22, 2012.
Lodge Executive Committee Minutes
December 16, 2017 January 14, 2018
February – Minutes to Come March – No Meeting
April – Minutes to Come May 20, 2018